Different Types of Computer

Can a single type of computer perform different tasks as efficiently and quickly as another? Can a PC, for example, perform up to ten trillion individual calculations per second? The answer  will be negative, Hence, with the advancement of technology, various types of computers have  been invented to perform specific tasks much more efficiently then others.

Are you aware of how many computer types have been invented? If not, then don’t worry, you are at the right place. In this article, we will explain types of computer and delve into their unique characteristics and applications.

But, before we being exploring different types of computers available in the market, let’s first go through the list of topics that we will cover in this article.


Types of Computers

a computer is a device that converts data into meaningful information, processes the input based on the set of instructions provided by the user, and produces the desired output.

Computers are classified into two categories based on the size of computers and based on the data handling abilities of the computer.

Let’s first explorer different types of computers available based on size.

Different types of Computers Based on Size

On the basis of size, computers can be divided into five categories, such as:

  • Supercomputer
  • Mainframe computer
  • Minicomputer
  • Workstation
  • PC


Let’s explain the type of computer known as a supercomputer and its significance in modern computing. Supercomputers are the largest and faster computers, capable of processing trillions of functions in seconds. These computers are primarily used for data intensive and computation intensive scientific tasks such as passwords encryption and decryption, weather forecasting, exploring the solar system, molecular modeling etc.

Mainframe computer

Mainframe computers have a large amount of memory and processors and can perform billions of transactions and simple calculations in real time. This type of computer is primarily used for transaction servers, commercial databases and applications that require high reliability, security and speed. These are the computers to have when ‘0’ downtime is acceptable.


Minicomputer are smaller, less expensive and less powerful than mainframes or supercomputers but more pricey and powerful than personal computers. These computers are multi-user systems with more than one user working simultaneously. These computers are primarily used for engineering and scientific computations, file management, business transaction processing and other similar tasks.

work station

Now let’s explain the type of computer known as a workstation and its significance in modern computing. A workstation is a computer or group of computers used primarily by a single user to perform professional or commercial work. These types of computers have more computational (processing) power than a standard PC. They are primarily used for video editing, playing high-graphic games, 3D animation etc.


A PC or personal computer or microcomputer, is a general purpose computer for personal use. This type of computer comprises a CPU, memory, an input unit and an output unit. This type of computer is appropriate for personals tasks such as watching a movie, completing an assignment etc.


In this article, having explained the types of computers. Its clear that each has its specific advantages and disadvantages.

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