Difference Between Skimming and Scanning

Skimming and Scanning are two commonly used speed reading techniques that employ rapid eye movement and keywords to navigate through text quickly, but they serve slightly different purposes. Skimming refers to reading quickly to get a general overview of the text, while scanning involves reading quickly to locate specific information or facts. Still confused between these two reading techniques? Don’t be. This article covers the difference between skimming and scanning in detail.

In lay terms, Skimming helps you get the main idea of a section without reading everything, while scanning lets you find specific details quickly.

What is Skimming?

Skimming definition: Skimming is a reading technique in which a reader reads through the text quickly to see what it is about.

For example, a reader may use the skimming technique to quickly preview a book or scan an article for the main points to determine whether it is worthy reading. the reader carefully reads the first few paragraphs in detail to grasp the overall message. Then he/she reads the first line of each paragraph, and after that, they directly go through the concluding section in detail to gain a board understanding of the subject. Hence, by using the skimming technique, a reader can read more text in less time.

When to Use Skimming Reading Technique?

You should use the Skimming reading technique when you want to:

  • Need to get a general overview of the material
  • Want to understand the main ideas or themes of a section
  • Want to decide whether the content is worth a more profound read
  • Have limited time to review a large amount of text

While skimming is a versatile technique used for various reading scenarios, it becomes particularly useful in specific contexts, like the IELTS reading test. If you’re preparing for the IELTS, understanding how to apply skimming to reading tasks is crucial.

What is Scanning?

Scanning definition: Scanning is a reading technique in which a reader scans the page with their eyes in order to find specific information.

To scan implies to search for something. Scanning is a selective reading approach performed by the reader when he or she is looking for certain information or text contained in the section without entirely reading the text. As a result, when you scan some material, you already know what you’re searching for, all you have to do is spot and swoop it down. For example, when looking for a phone number in a directory, a person scans the page for the name of the exact person they are looking for. To effectively scan, the reader must first comprehend how to content is organized and decipher what is read in order to easily discover the required information.

When to Use Scanning Reading Technique?

You should use the Scanning reading technique when you want to:

  • Look for specific facts or details (like dates, names or statistics)
  • Locate a particular piece of information in a longer text
  • Want to verify or cross-reference details
  • Need an answer quickly for a specific questions in mind

Scanning is an essential technique for tackling specific questions in the IELTS reading tests, particularly when you’re looking for specific facts, dates, names or statistics.

Key Difference Between Skimming and Scanning

Here are the key difference between skimming and scanning:

  • Skimming is a way of rapid reading, whereas scanning is a method of selective reading.
  • while skimming is reading the most stuff in the least amount of time, scanning is a means of quickly finding something.
  • Skimming is used to become acquainted with a text you have not yet read. in the case of scanning, the reader already knows what they are looking for in the given text.
  • The skimming approach is utilized to understand what is contained in the study material. On the other hand, when a reader scans, they look for specific information.
  • Skimming is a form of reading in which the reader reads the text fast in order to get the subject without paying particular attention to unnecessary detail. Meanwhile, scanning refers to a reading style in which the reader moves his eyes throughout the entire text in order to find specific information.


Skimming is a technique in which a reader reads through the text quickly to see what it is about, whereas scanning is a technique in which a reader scans the page with their eyes in order to find specific information. Now, that you have a fair idea about the difference between skimming and scanning, you will be able to use these reading techniques more effectively.

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